CSPR.cloud is an enterprise-grade middleware platform aimed to super-charge developers and to be the primary way for dApps to interact with the Casper Network. It provides access to indexed and enriched blockchain data, real-time streaming subscriptions, and access to reliable and maintained Casper Node. The APIs include:
Indexed and normalized network data
Support of the existing smart contract-level event standards, such as Casper Event Standard (CES), which is also natively supported by the Odra smart contract framework
Relevant off-chain data, such as CSPR rates or account info standard data
and more
CSPR.cloud was built with developer experience in mind and expands the Casper Node RPC API with more data points and querying possibilities, which are not available via the native node API. You can check for examples in the Highlights section.
To get familiar with CSPR.cloud, we recommend that you read these documents:
Overview Learn about the general technical aspects of CSPR.cloud API, and how it works
Getting started Learn how to make your first API request and start your integration with the Casper Network
Highlights Learn about CSPR.cloud API possibilities, which aren't present in the Casper Node RPC API
REST API Get familiar with the REST API reference to know what endpoints are available
Streaming API Get familiar with the Streaming API reference to know what Web Socket subscriptions are available
Casper Node API Learn how to connect to the private Casper Node powered by CSPR.cloud using the most popular SDKs
If you have any questions or run into any issues while using the CSPR.cloud Web API, you can find help in the CSPR.cloud Developer Community. Here you can connect and get help from other developers.
By using CSPR.cloud, you agree to our Developer Terms of Service and acknowledge that you have read our Privacy Policy.