This is a full list of the available REST API entities. Some of the entities are presented as root-level resources, and some represent related information of the root-level resources and are presented as their edges. The endpoints associated with each entity provide all the relevant data about that entity. Value objects that provide a mapping between identifiers and names aren't listed here and are documented with the corresponding endpoint documentation.
Entities may have relations to other entities. Such relations are exposed by the presence of one entity identifier in the other entity properties. Typically, it means that this identifier can be used as a query filter in the API requests and that the related entity could be included in the responses as an optional property.
Account observed in the network activity, which may not necessarily have the on-chain balance
Aggregated auction metrics for an era
Deploy that is awaiting for submission
Normalized representation of the Casper Network block
Bidder participating in the auction
Account information about known accounts provided by team
Normalized representation of the Casper Network contract
Normalized representation of the Casper Network contract entry point
Normalized representation of the Casper Network contract package
Normalized representation of the Casper Network deploy
Action performed on a fungible token
Account fungible token ownership
Non-fungible token (NFT)
Action performed on a non-fungible token (NFT)
Non-fungible token (NFT) ownership
Historical CSPR rate to fiat and popular cryptocurrencies
Network native token (CSPR) supply information
Normalized representation of the Casper Network transfer transform
Validator participating in an era
Historical validator performance based on the era rewards information
Account info data provided through the